Milton Keynes Learning Disability Partnership Board

Here’s a story of how we, Milton Keynes Learning Disability Partnership Board and partners can make employment for adults with disabilities a reality!  We along with other communities in Milton Keynes are always looking for solutions in how to make the process of life long learning and training possible. Watch the video here!

Community Harvest Celebration

Last week we took part in our Community Harvest Celebration. Camphill traditionally uses this time to reflect and celebrate all that has been produced and achieved this year. From a great garden harvest to creating fabrics, telling stories through mosaics and shadow play, even cycling miles to break out own records and taking part in...

Camphill Cycle Kings

Our Cycling Group, aka the Camphill Cycle Kings, cycled around Rutland Water Nature Reserve last week. Their goal was to cycle its 23miles including the peninsula. No mean feat! And did they achieve their goal? Of course they did. Three cheers for ABILITY! Huge congrats to our residents, staff and volunteers who took part! We’re...

Camphill MK Art Bags

We’re a crafty and creative bunch, always coming up with new ideas. When we saw our talented resident Liam’s drawings of our Camphill MK buildings, we had to turn them into something everyone could use everyday. In our craft workshop, we hand printed his designs on art tote bags in different colours and they are...

Charity no.283556

Contact Us

Camphill Milton Keynes Communities, Japonica Lane, Willen Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9JY.

Phone: 01908 235 000 Fax: 01908 235606

Camphill Café: 01908 308738