Volunteers of Camphill – Geraldine T.
We continue to hear from our incredible volunteers about what it’s like to be a part of our diverse community. We want to say a huge thanks to all, past and present volunteers for contributing so much!
Here’s Geraldine T., her presence provides all of us – residents, co-workers and staff with reassurance and a sense that all will be well. We love her light-hearted jokes and caring attitude. We also love her beautifully sliced fruits and perfectly made teas and coffees. 🙂
“From 2000 to 2007 I worked as a carer, this included physically and mentally disabled people, it was the best job I ever had! Unfortunately, I had to change professions to an office based role but missed caring very much. I found happiness again when I met my husband in 2011, I was lucky enough to retire in 2014, so I looked for places to go where I could be of use and fulfil my caring need. I found Camphill three years ago and volunteered.
I help out in the Tech Lab workshop assisting the residents with internet, emails, Skype, making calendars, making cards on their laptops. It gives me great pleasure when one of the residents learns how to do something by themselves independently. I love seeing the residents evolve, but also being part of their lives, watching them accomplish all manner of things.
I would certainly recommend Camphill MK Communities to people looking to volunteer. The community gives so much back, and my husband says I blossom every time I come back from volunteering with these guys.
Thank you for letting me be a part of your lives!”
(As told to Guimin M. and the Newsletter & Tech Lab Workshops)