Guardian First Aid Training
Over the past several months we have been going through essential First Aid training with special help from Guardian First Aid-er Sonia.
We’ve covered what First Aid actually is, from cuts and bleeding to what to do with burns and radiation (sun) burns and sun protection. It’s been fascinating also learning about the positions to get into when injured, how to deal with choking, emergency numbers and how to fill in accident forms.
“As I have done similar sessions for my Mencap group, it is very beneficial to Camphill residents, staff and volunteers as they feel it is a great learning situation and they become confident enough to provide a positive contribution if a situation ever should arise”, says Sonia.
We really enjoyed the training that included multi video clips and practicing recovery position. We had many questions and shared many examples, and the discussions about fainting, recovery positing and choking were a particular talking point.
Thanks to Sonia & The Guardians team for such valuable & important training. 🙂