Women of Camphill – Lidia M
We chat to Lidia M, one of our Women of Camphill interviewees about her first experience at Camphill and how sheer determination maketh the woman.
CMKC: What’s your name and what’s your role in the community?
LM: My name is Lidia, and I am the Workshop Coordinator for the Gardens and Landcraft Workshops.
CMKC: How long have you been involved with the community?
LM: I joined Camphill on the 16th of October, 2000.
CMKC: What’s your most memorable experience in the community?
LM: There are so many memories, but what stands out most was my 1st day at Camphill. I arrived at 8 am, not knowing where to go, so I stood outside Blackthorn and waited. Then Fiona came out and stood with me until Nick came to greet me. In the beginning, I didn’t know that Fiona did not communicate verbally, then I realised how sweet it was to be looked after by such a gentle and caring soul.
CMKC: How important do you think women are to this community?
LM: Women are essential to this community. Their motherly instinct helps to hold this place strongly together. From my own experience, the gardens require a lot of work and the schedules have always been very busy. I still remember how daunting it was to be asked to produce food and vegetables for the community when you were so new here, it is through sheer determination that the gardens have become established and grown to what they are today.
CMKC: Do you think women’s influence has changed over time in the community?
LM: Women have brought positive influences to the community right from the start. Most women here are strong-minded and determined homemakers and caregivers, and this aspect has not changed over time.
CMKC: What’s your expectation of yourself and the community for the future?
LM: Just keep going and keep adapting to the changes, regardless of what might happen in the future.
CMKC: Who in your opinion is a hero of Camphill?
LM: Definitely Morwenna Bucknall.
CMKC: What is your favourite thing to do outside of the community?
LM: I enjoy reading all sorts of books, but crime novels are one of my favourites. I do handcraft at home too; it is one of my passions.